NCERT Solutions for Class-6 Civics Chapter-1 Understanding Diversity


Question 1. Draw up a list of the different festivals celebrated in your locality. Which of these celebrations are shared by members of different regional and religious communities?
Different festivals celebrated in our locality which are shared by members of different regional and religious communities:

FestivalsCelebrated by Different Regional and Religious CommunitiesShared by Different Communities
1. DeepawaliHindusHindus, Sikhs, Muslims
2. HoliHindusHindus, Sikhs, Muslims
3. RakshabandhanHindusHindus, Sikhs, Muslims
4. JanmashtamiHindusHindus, Sikhs
5. DashehraHindusHindus, Sikhs
6. Makar SankrantiHindusHindus, Sikhs
7. PongalHindusSouth India
8. OnamHindusSouth India
9. BaisakhiHindus/SikhsSikhs, Punjabi, Haryanvi, Delhiites
10. IdMuslimsMuslims, Hindus
11. Bakra Id
(Idul Zuha)
12. MuharramMuslims
13. Prophet Mohammad’s BirthdayMuslims
14. Good FridayChristiansChristians, Hindus, Muslims
15. X-masChristians
16. Mahavir JayantiJainsJains
17. Budha PumimaBuddhistsBuddhists and Hindus
18. Guru Nanak BirthdaySikhSikhs, Hindus

Question 2. What do you think living in India with its rich heritage of diversity adds to your life?
Since India has a rich heritage of diversity people celebrate festivals of other communities, speak different languages. Our music and dance are enjoyed by all. People have learned to eat food from different regions. It is a new experience.

Question 3. Do you think the term ‘unity in diversity’ is an appropriate term to describe India? What do you think Nehru is trying to say about Indian unity in the sentence quoted above from his book The Discovery of India?
Answer: Yes, I believe “unity in diversity” is an appropriate term to describe India.
Diversity. India is a large country and people of different parts follow different faiths, speak various languages, wear and eat differently. This shows that India has a diversity spread across its people.
       Unity. Despite the diversities, as Indians, we are one. As an Indian, we are no more a Gujarati or a Bengali, we celebrate the national days with equal zeal, we sing the national anthem with the same passion. This shows our unity. Therefore, the phrase “unity in diversity” is justified.
       Nehru has written in his book “The Discovery of India”, “It was something deeper and within its fold, the widest tolerance of belief and custom was practiced and every variety acknowledged and even encouraged.” He means that when one ponders over it deeply, one finds that India is not only united, but its people also know how to accept other customs and beliefs.

Question 4. Underline the line in the poem sung after the Jillian walla Massacre, which according to you, reflects India’s essential unity.
The line, ‘the blood of Hindus and Muslims flow together today’ reflects India’s essential unity.

Question 5. Choose another region in India and do a similar study of the historical and geographical factors that influence the diversity found there. Are these historical and geographical factors connected to each other? How?
We choose Assam and Maharashtra in India.


Geographical Factors:

  1. Topography: River Brahmaputra valley
  2. Climate: Hot and wet
  3. Vegetations: Dense forests
    Agriculture: Rice, jute, and tea
    Food: Fish, rice, and tea

Historical Factors:

  1. Traders from Britain
  2. Traders from China

Geographical Factors:

  1. Plateau topography- Konkan
  2. Hot and moderately wet.
  3. Less forested
    Rice, wheat, millets, cotton, sugarcane.
    Rice, wheat.

Historical Factors:

  1. Traders from overseas
  2. Traders from within the country

Both people are diverse but traditionally they are one and the same. Geographical and historical factors laid them together.

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