NCERT Solutions for Class-6 Civics Chapter-7 Urban Administration


Question 1. Why did the children go to Yasmin Khala’s house?
The four children had broken the street light while playing a game of cricket. They wanted to know to whom should they give them money for the replacement of the light. Yasmin Khala has just retired from the Municipal Corporation and she may be knowing the answer.

Question 2. List four ways in which the work of the Municipal Corporation affects the life of a city-dweller.
Answer: The Municipal Corporation affects the life of a city-dweller in several ways,
1. It takes care of street lights.
2. It ensures that diseases do not break out in the city.
3. It runs schools, hospitals, and dispensaries.
4. It takes care of garbage collection, water supply, keeping the streets and the market clean.

Question 3. Who is the Municipal Councillor?
Municipal Councillors are the elected members of the Municipal Corporation. They are elected by the registered voters of the city for five years.

Question 4. What did Gangabai do and why?
Gangabai and other women of her locality were very much unhappy to find garbage lying all over the street and spreading foul smell. One day she said that it is the Ward Councillor who they should go to and protest since they are the ones who elected him. She gathered a small group of women and went to his house to get their problems solved.

Question 5. How does the Municipal Corporation earn the money to do its work?
Answer: Municipal Corporation earns money to do its work by collecting several types of taxes. They include,
1. Property tax.
2. Taxes for education and other amenities.
3. Entertainment tax.
4. Other taxes.

Photo 1:
NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Science Civics Chapter 7 Urban Administration image - 1
Photo 2:
NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Science Civics Chapter 7 Urban Administration image - 2

Question 6. Discuss:
In the above two photographs (Fig. 7.1 and 7.2) you see different ways of collecting and disposing of garbage.
(i) Which way do you think provides safety to the person disposing of garbage?
(ii) What are the dangers of collecting garbage in the manner shown in the first photograph?
(iii) Why do you think that proper ways of disposing of garbage are not available to those who work in municipalities?
(i) The second photograph shows people pushing a trolley full of garbage is segregated is a Safefui way of disposing of garbage.
(ii) The dangers of collecting garbage in the manner shown in the first photograph are,
     1. People are standing on the garbage heap and work with bare hands, they are exposed to all kinds of infections.
     2. The stay cows and other animals are trying to find food and they also pollute the land.
     3. The garbage is not segregated into degradable and non-degradable.
     4. Pieces of broken glass can pierce the hands of the workers and there is a possibility HIV germs may enter the bodies.
     5. The whole area is a filthy and polluted area which is a breeding ground for germs of all kinds of diseases.
(iii) The proper way of disposing of garbage are not available to those who work in the municipalities because,
     1. Municipal Corporation does not provide gumboots and gloves to the workers.
     2. The Corporation does not have garbage trucks that can automatically lift the garbage.
     3. The Corporation does not provide enough landfills where the garbage can/be dumped.
     4. The people are expected to segregate the degradable and non-degradable garbage, which is not done by them.
Question 7. Several poor people in the city work as domestic servants as well as work for the Corporation, keeping the city clean. Yet the slums in which they live are quite filthy. This is because these slums seldom have any water and sanitation facilities. The reason often given by the Municipal Corporation is that the land in which the poor have set up their homes does not belong to them and that slum-dwellers do not pay taxes. However, people living in middle-class neighborhoods pay very little in taxes compared to the amount of money the corporation spends on them in setting up parks, street lighting facilities, regular garbage collection etc. Also as you read in this chapter, the property taxes collected by the Municipality makes up only 25-30 percent of its money.
Why do you think it is important that the Corporation should spend more money on slum localities? Why is it important that the Municipal Corporation provide the poor in the city with the same facilities that the rich get?
1. It is important that the corporation should spend more money on slum localities because the major workforce lives in these colonies. They work so hard that the economic activities of the city-run smoothly. Hence, adequate money should be spent on slum locations.
2. It is also important that municipal corporation provides the poor in the city with the same facilities that the rich get because of the following reasons:
    (a) God has sent both poor and rich as one and the same. 
    (b) Poor constitutes the major workforce. Health needs to be cared for.
    (c) They must be hale and hearty.

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