NCERT Solutions for Class-6 Civics Chapter-3 What is Government ?


Question 1. What do you understand by the word ‘government’? List five ways in which you think the government affects your daily life.
Answer: The government affects our daily lives in the following ways,
1. It protects our boundaries and maintains peaceful relations with other countries.
2. Everyone should get enough to eat and there is no food shortage.
3. Looks after the health of the people.
4. If there is a natural disaster like Tsunami or an earthquake, it is the government that mainly organizes aid and assistance for the affected people.
5. If there is a dispute or a crime, the courts will provide justice.

Question 2. Why do you think the government needs to make rules for everyone in the form of laws?
The government needs laws to maintain peace and order in society. Law establishes justice. It is mending to achieve constitutional ideas i.e. equality and right against discrimination. Law makes it compulsory for people to obey it.

Question 3. Name two essential features of a democratic government.
Answer: The two essential features of a democratic government are,
1. The people, in a democracy, give the powers to the government. They do this through elections, in which they vote for a particular person and elect them. Once elected they form the government.
2. In the democratic form of government, it has to explain its actions and decisions to the people.

Question 4. What was the suffrage movement? What did it accomplish?
The movement for voting rights for women was called the suffrage movement. It accomplished the right to vote for women all over the world.

Question 5. Gandhiji strongly believed that every adult in India should be given the right to vote. However, a few people don’t share his views. They feel that illiterate people, who are mainly poor, should not be given the right to vote. What do you think? Do you think this would be a form of discrimination? Give five points to support your view and share these with the class.
(1) India won independence, due to the participation of. all people. The nationalist movement had become a mass movement. So poor and illiterate should be given the right to vote.
(2) The poor and illiterate people had been neglected for so long under British rule. Now, after independence, they should be given equal opportunities to develop and improve their condition.
(3) Democracy is based on the idea of equality. In India, the majority of the people were poor and illiterate at the time of independence. If they are denied the right to vote, that means it will be a minority rule, because only a small portion of the population will get the right to vote.
(4) Since ancient times, the villages in India were managed by the villagers themselves. The system in the villages was never changed. It was their experience that helped them to rule. So the poor and illiterate people can decide for whom to vote.
(5) At the Karachi session of the Congress Party in 1931, it had announced that Fundamental Rights will be enjoyed by all. It includes the right to equality. No discrimination will be made on any basis.

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